Posts Tagged ‘farming life’

The Farming Life by Chloe


Since the turn of the 20st century,  most people stopped cultivating fruits and vegetables in their own backyard and opted for the easy option of purchasing their vegetables at the supermarket that are sometimes out of season, and not at all as tasty. I mean, if you can believe it, there was a time when tomatoes weren’t available all year round!

I grew up with the impression that everything you eat comes from the farm, but not just any farm, in particular it was my grandfather’s vegetable patch. Ever since I was little I remember going with him to his field that was always overflowing with gorgeous fresh cucumbers, watermelons, beans, peppers, anything you could imagine it would be there, depending on the season of course.

When we would wake up in the mornings my grandfather would already be back from tending to his vegetables and his goats and sheep. This would mean fresh goats milk for breakfast with our cereal, and of course my grandma would cook up a nutritious meal for lunch with all the vegetables he would bring back.

I look back on my childhood, and particularly this influence of fresh fruit and vegetables being readily available, with a great fondness and am very fortunate to have had the exposure that I did to such a lifestyle so young as I can see how it has influenced my own food choices that I make daily now, so many years later.

Making sure fresh produce being present in the life of a young child during their developing years is one of the greatest gifts that one can give their child, and it is one that will always be increasing in value as the years pass.